Monday, August 30, 2010

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The impossible to hand

When we talk about planets, constellations, galaxies is believed that it is often very distant objects, only the reach of scholars and indeed by some very skilled lover.
When it comes to photograph the reaction of most photographers is the same.
Instead, most of these bodies is under our nose, or rather would say over our nose, each day and the greater difficulty is usually only in identifying.

At the suggestion of a friend (thanks Antonio) so I tried to take not only the largest planet in our solar system, Jupiter, its satellites, but also more visible.

The equipment used was:
  • Canon EOS 40D (preferred in this case, the 5D for its multiplication factor)
  • EF 70-200mm f / 4 L USM (excellent quality but with a focus not particularly long)
  • EX500 Benro Tripod with ball head
  • Remotes
Identify the planet was easy because rises already in the early evening and is currently the brightest star in the visible, or so it seemed.
To focus, I used the live view in the 40D is equipped with screen magnification 10x which also helped me find just the right exposure that would make visible the Galilean moons.
I used a fairly open aperture, f/5.6, so as not to lengthen the time. This is because even if the apparent motion of stars is too slow to be seen with the naked eye, just a shutter speed a little longer to notice them a trail where there should be a point.
Sensitivity ISO 400 it seemed a good compromise for not having excessive noise.
With an exposure of 1 second that was the result:
details and color of the giant planet are invisible from exposure needed to make visible the moons.

To test I then made an attempt with the compact, a Canon Powershot A650 IS, the maximum focal length and using a tripod table.
is the result:
not measure up to that obtained with the camera, however, shows that certain results, completely unexpected, would be available to everyone.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

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New EOS 60D! A lazy start

Most amateur photographers are also (and unfortunately often only) fans of photographic equipment. Even I do not dislike! New
are awaited with feverish curiosity, so much so that even born sites rumors (rumors), which tries to guess what wonders will present manufacturers.

This month wait for a replacement for the EOS 50D is over. link Canon
In many asked after the launch of the EOS 7D, as might have been the future 50D to avoid creating a dangerous internal competition and displacing some Canon has answered them all.
Their strategy now is clear.
In the past, digital SLR cameras was fundamentally divided into three segments:
  1. entry level SLR (EOS 350D, 450D 500D, etc..)
  2. semi-professional D-SLR (EOS 30D 40D and 50D)
  3. professional SLR (basically EOS 1D and 5D series)
Today things are changing and in the name of an increasingly systematic search of profit, the three categories are being divided into at least two subcategories.
is born then relfex 1000D which is the entry level and low cost, as opposed to 500D and 550D instead become an entry level advanced.
The same thing happened to the segment XXD now divided between 7D and 60D.

But what are the news?

  • Meanwhile, the 60D loses magnesium alloy body and its size decreased slightly as the weight.
  • The type of memory used goes from classic to Compact Flash SD widespread use today, this is probably in order to promote the upgrade of those coming from the compact or entry level of the last generation.
  • The LCD 3 "becomes rotatable tilt, to the delight of those who love the Live View shooting and video.
  • The exposure will be that of the 7D, with 63 zones and two layers while the AF is that of 50D 9-point cross at all.
  • The sensor will be that of the 7D with 18 megapixels on a reduced size (22 x 15mm)
  • There is the possibility to calibrate the AF in the car but you can control the flash wirelessly without the need for additional accessories.
Note that from a while Nikon and Canon have decided to stepping on one another's feet, which for years has never really happened. The new 60D is positioned on the same section of the Nikon D90 as well as the D300s are on the same segment of the 7D.

7D A small, simple and cheap (hopefully at least) for those who "appeared recently in the SLR world and want a machine superior to the usual entry level. Knowing Canon
performance will be disappointing, but more than a few fans already distorts the face.

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Hello everyone!
After much thinking and too much delay I decided to open my own blog and dedicate it to my passion for photography.
I always saw many photographers, even beginners, have a personal website, but I always found it to be a commitment to me too when compared to content that I could offer.
I hope that the blog is an instrument more pliable and easy to handle for me, but also useful for those who decide to follow him (if anything were to survive the blog to my laziness).

said this past presentations:
My name is Frank I'm 32 years old and for many years my passion for photography. Due to lack of people close to me who share this passion I have long been dedicated to cultivating the hobby on the web, participating in forums and websites themed photo shoot. If you have previously given some look at the forum in search of an answer or solution to your problems foptografici maybe I know with the nick Alfetta78.

Enjoy, and good light at all!