Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Floor Seating At Rose Garden



takes an old sheet to put on their heads and those who held a rope holding the sheet around his head. So in a moment you'll be a knight Arabic!


need a sheet or old tablecloth, make two holes for eyes and your costume is ready to scare your friends!

Black Cat

Get a paper bag large enough to get us through the head, paint it with black tempera colors, make two holes for the eyes, with the black card you two pointed ears and glue to the bag , just a few holes under the nose and apply two straws on each side: the mustache will be fixing with adhesive tape. Finally, prepare the Line: Take the clothesline with the soul of iron, wrap it in crepe paper and fix it to a height of tights butt.

With mom and dad clothes

can you give the old clothes with accessories, wearing makeup and her face. A wig made with strips of newsprint and stick with hairpins of your real hair, or made of many braids with colorful crepe paper, with this type of paper you can make skirts, bows, puffy pants, flowers and many more ... things ..


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