Saturday, December 5, 2009

Im 13 And Im Looking For A Vibrator

Free Church in a free state ...?

A good look around, I do not feel very free.

Freedom today is a " word" now used and distorted in its power content.

Without disturbing the great thinkers and philosophers of the past, the idea and values \u200b\u200bthat this word conjure up are far from what in fact and in the speeches put into practice throughout civil society.

short, as may be agreed as Freedom (understood as a right then) the possibility of preventing a religious faith to manifest through symbols?

The less attentive (perhaps I should say, "sick of misinformation ") will my reflection related to recent events on the ruling of the European Court on crucifixes in schools.
Scandal! " How to ban an age-old symbol of religious and civil ..." "It's a shame ..." and so forth ...

Good. Change of perspective now.

How can a country like ours, which states in its founding principles of religious freedom (art. 3 of the Italian Constitution) that nobody notices that we have produced a law that prevents the free expression of religious freedom ? Why vietare di indossare il burqa?
Al pari di un Crocefisso, un Burqa, è un simbolo della tradizione islamica che identifica un'appartenenza, delle credenze, dei valori.
Io sono un Cristiano e m'indigno davanti alla decisione di "impedire" che i Crocefissi vengano esposti, ma allo stesso modo e forse ancora più gravemente m'indigno davanti all'affermazione di una sfilza inaccettabile di controvalori. Proprio tutti quelli contrari alla mia educazione cristiana cattolica, ma aggiungerei anche italiana.
Libertà è un valore omnicomprensivo, portatore sano di tanti altri come il rispetto, la moderazione, la solidarietà... valori quindi, più o meno condivisi o condivisibili.
Soprattutto, m'indigna pensare We Italians that we are becoming a nation that is afraid to tell it like it is.

M'inquieta fear and information to groups of people unable to think, as seems to be to manifest the true values \u200b\u200bof life, if not only "words" ...
Today, it's really disheartening that before the "usual" problems that every generation has faced, choose the path of "words" disconnected from the meaning and values \u200b\u200bthat they really should have.


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